A review for the loyalty-free customer - a double sided opinion

You may be reluctant to buy from Stuff Mania, Loyalty-Free Customer. I have stayed with Stuff Mania for a while, and cant wait for the groceries to come to this store!
Before you click off this review, Stuff Mania is amazing because half of the money you spend is for a good cause, it goes to NHS and Children's hospitals. Plus, if you're not a fan of physical objects, DIGITal has things in store for you!
The thing I think SM lacks though, is time placement details: I can't easily order a package and have it delivered on time without full details and face-to-face staff conferences. I hope this will be taken as an improvement.
I love how things keep being added to shop and hope that during summer some amazing deals will convince customers!

By Purring_horse+idk 

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